Saturday, 12 July 2008

Intercambio de materiales

Hola a todos !!! Este Intercambio se organizó en el Forum de DMC, entre latinas y europeas. Debíamos enviar a nuestra nueva amiga (asignada a través de un sorteo) lo que necesitara y no pudiera encontrar en su lugar de origen. Las latinas debíamos enviar una artesanía y algo bordado por nosotras. Esto es lo que mi amiga Elena me envió: Hi to everyone !!!! This interchange was organized in the DMC forum, between Latinas and Europeans. We had to send to a new friend (assigned by draw) something she needed and couldn't find in their place. The Latinas had to send handmade product and something embroidered by us. This is what my Friend Elena did send me: Tela para bordar Punto Cruz, hilo para mis Randas, un kit de bordado, postales de barcelona y un llavero de su ciudad. Estoy muy contenta con mi regalo!!! Gracias Elena. Y esto es lo que le envié a ella. Hasta la próxima!!! Fabric for cross stitch, thread for my lace, embroidery kit and postcards. I'm so glad whit my present !!! Thank you Elena. And this is what I had send to her. Gracias por su visita. Thank you for your visit.


Anonymous said...

This is lovely work. It is awlways very interesting to see historic local techniques like this, that have been passed down from generation to generation. The blue lace is very pretty,as are the white pieces. Thank for posting it.

Anonymous said...

This technique is truly amazing!! it is so beautiful...I'cant imagine the time involved to make such beautiful projects. These would truly be heirlooms! Thank you for sharing your art!

Anonymous said...

what a great exchange that symbolize friendship between stitchers from all over the world.
I send you big hugs from Jeruaslem!

Anonymous said...

linda me encanto tu tejido bordado
me dejas instrigada lastima que no puedas compartir tu arte dime cuando haces intercambio envias esas joyas
verdaderamente hermozo
carños lidas
gracias por el comentario del intercambio latinas y europeas D.M.C 2008

Anonymous said...

lovely lace, great blog. enjoyed my visit