I began to stitch the project "Beatrix Potter Quaker Sampler SAL" which is organized by Nina. It took a while to decide which color to choose, I think I made a good election.
This is my first SAL and it is so particular, every participant goes at their own time. Here you can the work from other participants.
Ivory 32 ct Linen, Anchor 44.
Recibí una gran sorpresa de Janka. Me otorgó este Premio por mi blog. Mil Gracias Janka !!!
Me toca a mí ahora otorgalo a otros blogs. Y éstas son mis elegidas:

I received a great surprise from Janka.She give me this prize for my blog.Thank you Janka !!!
Now is my turn to pass it on. This are the one I choose:
Gracias por los comentarios y los espero en mi próximo post.
Buen fin de semana !! Thank you for your comments and I wait for your visit on my next post.
Have a nice weekend!!